- Comfort x 10.
- Continue hang gliding when flying prone is too painful and not an option.
- Good for people with back/shoulder/neck problems.
- Easier to see other gliders around you.
- Easier to sight and analyse clouds.
- Easier to sight instruments. They're in your lap.
- Can adjust instruments - especially useful to change VHF channels.
- Room for more instruments, room for both a VHF and UHF radio within reach. Ever wanted to turn one down or off?
- Lightweight harness.
- Better roll control.
- Can wear paragliding boots - great ankle support in rough paddocks.
- No zip to jam on your clothes or to jam before landing.
- Slightly more drag from harness, spreader bar and extension handles, but no drag from instruments.
- Less pitch down = lower top speed.
- More time needed to put on the harness.
- A special dolly is required for aerotowing.
- Personally I find it easier to land using the handles to flare.
- It's debatable as to whether the glider is more or less susceptible to that very rare event; tumbling, or simply the same. I've flown in some pretty rough air without incident and it isn't a pleasant experience but then again being in prone wouldn't make it any less so.
- Glider is completely unmodified.
- Lightweight extension handles are added with velcro and a single pin.
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